Nut-Free Cheesecake
I just love making (and sharing recipes) for no-bake / raw vegan cakes. They are among the most popular recipes from this website. But they do typically rely on nuts a lot as a foundation, and I often get requests / questions about nut-free options (or at the very least options that are cashew-free). Below you'll find tons of nut-free cakes in this style. Some seed based, some more veggie based. Hopefully if you're in the "nut-free" camp you can find something amidst these options you can enjoy worry-free.
Caramel Coconut Cake
Pumpkin Seed Butter Ice Box Cake
Golden Butternut Ice Box Cake
Sunflower Seed Butter Cheesecake
Raw Berry Lime Cheesecake
Strawberry Lime Parsnip Cheesecake
Raw Tigernut Cheesecake
Tahini Orange Blossom Cheesecake
Black Bean Chocolate Cake
Raw Avocado Cake
Cherry Coconut Cauliflower Ice Cream Cake
Chocolate Cauliflower Ice Cream Cake
Cranberry Cauliflower Cake