
Lemon Almond Cookies

lemon almond cookies -- vegan and gluten-free

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Deliciously zingy vegan & gluten-free lemon almond cookies, made with fresh and juicy lemon slices and a sweet and nutty almond base.


Lemon Slices

  • 1 to 1 ½ small fresh lemons, washed

Almond Cookies

Optional Topping


1. Pre-heat oven to 375F. Line a small cookie sheet with parchment paper. Slice lemon(s) into rings about an ⅛" thick (you'll need 8 good looking rings). Carefully pick out any seeds. Lay each ring flat on the prepared cookie tray and bake for approx. 15 mins. Keep an eye out to make sure the lemon slices don't burn (as they'll later cook even further), especially as some ovens can bake stronger than others. At this stage you basically just want to pre-cook and dehydrate them a little. Note that the thinner you slice the lemons the quicker they'll bake, the thicker you slice them the juicier and more prominent their flavor will be). Once ready, remove the lemon slices from the oven and set aside to cool a little.

2. While the lemons are baking, prepare the cookies by processing all cookie ingredients in a food processor (I used the small bowl of mine) until the mixture sticks together and is at the beginning stages of forming a ball.** Gather all this dough up (I used a spoon to scoop it out of the processor) and form into a ball with your hands. Then divide this ball into 2, then divide each half into 2, then divide each quarter into 2, so that you're left with 8 equal pieces of dough.

3. Line a small cookie sheet with parchment paper. Roll each piece of dough into a ball, then flatten into a disk. Place on the cookie sheet, spreading them half an inch apart. Once the lemon slices are ready, place a slice over the center of each cookie and press down to flatten the cookie further and embed the lemon slices in a little.

4. Bake the cookies for approximately 12 minutes until nicely golden (again, keep an eye to make sure the lemon slices don't burn, if need be, lower the oven temperature a little if the lemon slices are thin and are browning too fast). Remove from oven and cool completely on a wire rack.

5. Optional: once cool, dust the cookies lightly with some coconut milk powder. Enjoy!


*Keep an eye out on the ingredients in the coconut milk powder, as some contain dairy as an additive. I used it here as a substitute for the traditional powdered sugar look.

**The texture of the dough can be different depending on the nut butter used. For example sometimes you might get a batch that’s more “oily” other times one that’s more dry + brands vary, etc. The dough should be soft and pliable, as soft as possible without being too sticky to handle. If the mixture feels too sticky at this point, add a bit more flour (1 tsp at a time) and process again to incorporate; if too dry, add a bit more maple syrup.